This episode was entertaining and exciting for us. That may sound weird, but it's true. On our recent journey of exploring burial options, we kept running into new things we had NEVER heard of (quick - define aquamation!) I think it's fair to say that we are both rethinking some aspects of our current personal funeral plans. There is no reason to shy away from thinking about your options, or at the very least, understanding what your options are because you've got them!
Death Trivia: Crestone End Of Life Project (open-air cremation site, Colorado)
Green Burial Project - Find Shrouds, etc - Some links/resources, broken
Mushroom Suit - Debunked - This made an unhappy Sonne
Research by Sonne & Czarria
Dessert by Barber Orchard Fruitstand
Editing and Art Provided by Czarria
Theme Music: "Not As It Seems" - Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0